Hey, There!
I’m Natalia.

I am an immigrant to Argentina from the United States. One day I want to be a dual citizen. No, I don’t live in Buenos Aires. Yes, I live in the metroplex of Buenos Aires. Yes, it’s very confusing, but more on that in the blog. I love horses, but I have lots of different interests, too, which partly inspired the site name, más que gauchos, which essentially means “more than Argentina’s cowboys.” These interests range from music to dance to food to language, so you’ll get lots of commentary on Argentina’s culture. In addition, you’ll learn about everything related to making the Big Move, which not only includes how to get a residence visa, but also how to prepare for it and how to manage life abroad. Because I also want to explore Argentina, you’ll get my comments (and pictures!) on tourism within Argentina, too (including that of the city Buenos Aires). And finally you’ll get tips on managing binational relationships as my partner is Argentinian. If you’re thinking about becoming an immigrant or just want to visit Argentina, I hope you enjoy reading my blog!



PS I am now working with Experience Baires, a great tourism agency based in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. I recommend checking out their experiences!

My Mission

Is to give future immigrants the tools they need to immigrate to Argentina and to manage life and relationships abroad, and to give future tourists of Argentina some ideas for cool places to go and the tools they need to get around while here in Argentina. All in a fun and entertaining manner with plenty of pictures and visuals.

más que gauchos



Finding myself in Argentina